Catering with The Summit Cafe



Let us know if you have an order or would like to talk about how we can help with your catering needs.


57-1601 Lower Water Street
Halifax Nova Scotia B3J 1S2

Phone / Mobile / Email

Number: (902) 492-4697
Mobile: (902) 488-9500

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  • Contact us

    1601 Lower Water Street
    Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 1S2
    Phone Mon- Fri 7am - 3pm
    Store: 902-492-4697
    After Hours
    Cell: 902-488-9500
    Mail:   Contact Us

    Catering Hours:

    Our hours are flexible to meet your needs. Service is available throughout the day or evening, during the week or weekend. Let us know in advance and we will make your catering experience enjoyable.

We try to process all orders promptly, however, if you order via email and have not received confirmation within 2 hours please call us.